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Can Garús

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What is it?

Can GARÚS is a company dedicated to edible ecogreens, which they treat with passion.

They are focused on the production and promotion of these edible ecogreens, both for the catering sector for families.
From the beginning Can Garus wanted to innovate and elaborate new culinary creations. That's why they were pioneers with the ecogreens. This unique product is avalaible to many renown customers and now he wants to do it again for all of us so we can enjoy the experience at home.

What do we do?

This project begins when the company Can Garús provides us with its exclusive product at our school. Its potential is spectacular so we started working with it to obtain innovative ideas and elaborations.

Can Garús is launching a selection of salads and needs help with R&D deciding what to make and how to distribute them.

This range of its product is about to go on sale in stores, and we have already implemented it in la Botigueta.

Now we start working on another variety of products, in this case they are called ecogreens and we use them for the GastroBar and the TAKE AWAY projects.

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